Wisconsin theater arts |
Apply for a Class Scholarship
Available to Wisconsin resident students grades K-12.
Scholarships (tuition reduction) are given on a first come first serve basis based on donations given to the MARY PAT SUTHERLAND SCHOLARSHIP FUND. There is no guarantee of scholarship approval.
Eligibility is determined by the status of your Wisconsin State Healthcare and FoodShare benefits.
You will need to attach your most recent “Information about eligibility” letter from the State of Wisconsin CENTRALIZED DOCUMENT PROCESSING UNIT to your class registration.
To see and download your most recent letter, you must log into your ACCESS account at access.wi.gov.
Viewing and downloading "Information about eligibility" letters online and Account Instructions
When you register for a class select yes (radio button) next to "I am requesting a scholarship" and then click "Choose Files" next to the "Download eligibility letter" to upload your “Information about eligibility” letter. When you get the "Review and confirm" page choose "INVOICE ME". If you are applying for more than one program you will need to rename the file each time to download (e.g. File.pdf, File1.pdf, File2.pdf etc.)
We will then contact you to let you know the status of your scholarship request.